Hi There!

i'm letisha


why I do what I do?

LNP Co. was birthed in 2012 out of my absolute need to curb my baby fever. I figured I could spend a few hours with some little cuties, go home and sleep through the night. I found the cheat code! Am I right?!


But in all seriousness as a homeschooling mom of three, I'm all too familiar with the weight of motherhood. The mental juggling act it takes to balance listening to a little human recount a long winded tale, while another yells for your attention because life's not worth living if you don't watch how high they can jump, mid jump Mikey himself rounds the corner asking, what's for dinner? And I haven't the slightest idea.


I live to help busy moms. I see you, I know you, I am you. For this reason, I love the opportunity to escape (oops!), I mean get away (no!), come alongside mothers as they navigate this transitionary phase of motherhood and lighten their load in any way I can. The saying is true, "There's no hood like motherhood." but there's no place I'd rather be and you don't have to travel these streets alone.


If you're interested in traveling this road together simply click the link below to book your session. I'm so excited to work with you!